This image made me recoil at first glance; I had a rather visceral reaction to it. Visually speaking, it may be more effective to have the more "active" images placed more strategically in the...Read more
This image, like the previous two, show how freeways can blend in with the surrounding environment. As a result, their toxic effects are hidden from the community. Read more
As an anthropologist, this image could be considered a part of kinship studies and how we culturally produce normative family structures. Furthermore, these structure endure for generations. The...Read more
The image’s subject is the community garden which serves as a proxy for the community itself. The spatial location of the garden near the freeway will inevitably impact the health and...Read more
My eye is first drawn to Camila's hand and follows the direction that she is pointing. In the explanation, the filmmaker explains what Camila is pointing out and the image is effective in allowing...Read more
Dimensions - spatial [frontend/backend], discursive
Scale of analysis - local, micro and mezzo.Read more
A Feminist engagement with GIS.Read more