Visualizing Toxic Subjects

Stephanie Narrow: Admitted at: Calexico, Calif.

This is an extremely evocative and powerful ethnographic image. The strength of emotion behind Juan's eye's forces the reader to consider what was he feeling at this moment in time? Did he know...Read more

Shannon Bae: Toxic Places

This image is a visual collection of the ways that artists have "art-washed" toxic spaces. It serves an ethnographic purpose in representing the motivations and outcomes of artists' desires to...Read more

Stephanie Narrow: Found Image: 10 Days of Danger

This image shows a bird's eye view of toxicity. However, I wonder how we can better incorporate the human element into these scales. Could we collage it with data on hospital visits, pharmacy...Read more

Rachel Lee & Molly Bloom: Keeping the Children Safe

The image communicates a great deal about how the LASPD is constructing force and policing as a paternalistic type of care of children. It suggests that, it is for the own good of the...Read more


As a native of Los Angeles, I have witnessed the smog worsen over the years. These photographs serve to complicate and add nuance to how people have conceptualized smog as a problem in LA. In the...Read more

Fred Ariel Hernandez: The Asthma Files Homepage, Nov 26, 2018

I am reminded of the phrase "information overload." I think this image is questioning the form or organization as it is difficult to read the print and are forced to focus on the placement of...Read more

Alice Chen: Exposure ... to information

The author does a great job of culminating their argument on the relationship between the "invisibility" of lead poisoning and the dearth of available data and information access that those...Read more

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