This set of images incite an intuitive and emotional response. Perhaps the power of these images lies on the fact that, when presented together, it embodies the ways in which the research sphere...Read more
The author does a great job of culminating their argument on the relationship between the "invisibility" of lead poisoning and the dearth of available data and information access that those...Read more
To get at my earlier questions about class, how can we collage this image with a Zillow type visualization that shows relative property prices of developments in this area? How can that help us to...Read more
This image communicates the 'potential' of lead poisoning. I appreciated this image as an ethnographic object because, as the author points out, it represents the gap between reality and public...Read more
My sight is first pulled to the single syringe on the top and in the middle of the image. I then notice the jumble underneath.Read more
These two images show how certain bodies are marked toxic by heternormativity and then subsequently policed by those who are heternormative. This makes us question who is actually engage in toxic...Read more
This is the first image in your dataset that includes human subjects. Given that your other visualizations show data sets and visualizationsn of micro subjects, how does the inclusion of human...Read more