RDS working group members as well as other researchers who have been enrolled at various points in time (for example, a research assistant working with me during my fieldwork; a...Read more
Especially when I was in Nairobi, perhaps as a result of the worries of my interlocutors regarding government surveillance, I felt growing wariness about publishing openly. I became...Read more
The server on which RDS sits costs $12.50 USD a month to maintain and run back-ups. I (Angela Okune) pay for this out of my personal funds. I also pay for the domain name on an annual...Read more
On November 12, 2019, I and a team of volunteers and friends hosted an event entitled “Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures” at McMillan Library, one of the oldest Kenyan libraries located in...Read more
After sharing a collaboration agreement (Okune 2019a) with the three research groups within the first few months of...Read more
I (Angela Okune) began to conceptualize establishing an instance of PECE in the middle of 2018, about 6 months prior to beginning my fieldwork in Nairobi in January 2019. I conceptualized...Read more
The archiving that RDS seeks to practice is not simply to “save” or “preserve” but primarily to provide grounds for further questions, working with people to take care of the data while also...Read more
All members of the group have the permissions needed to upload artifacts but this often seems overly laborious, especially since many of the artifacts are first shared on a WhatsApp...Read more
While the archive was initially imagined as digitally storing ethnographic data that is relevant for researchers in Nairobi/Kenya, the archive has been thus far used less for this