this is an artical that was written by Mary Mbewe concerning the first world war fortifications in Mbala.Read more
This is the catalogue of an exhibition about Askari soldiers at the Moto Moto Museum that Mary Mbewe kindly sent to us.Read more
The notion of "trace" in the archive becomes more of a remedy to toxicity. Trace comes to mean a slight sign of what is excluded, a means of interrogating the silences in the archive.Read more
Klein (p.662) quoting Trouillot:
"Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1997, 26) describes how such silences enter the archive at four crucial moments: 'The moment of fact creation (the making...Read more
It is the other way around. Essentialized constructions of people and places are mobilized through the archive and toxics of exclusion.Read more
In this Chapter Moyd writes about the socialization process that Askari soldiers went through while serving in the military called "Schutztruppe" wich was established by the german colonialists. The text issues day to day activities that were suposed to prepare the soldiers for armed conflicts....Read more
The year 2018 marked the centenray of the armistice and End of World War one. During this time (20. 11.2018) the Askari eshibition at the Moto Moto museum launched as well. This article is a report of the official celebrations from 2018 in Africa.Read more