Automated editors and personalized news


In this digital essay I am adressing some issues and questions from my project

"New editors and automated public Responsibility"

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Digital infrastructures prioritize and make media and cultural content searchable, visible and ‘usable’, shaping what citizens know, discover and experience.

Digital access to media

Digital infrastructures prioritize and make media and cultural content searchable, visible and ‘usable’, shaping what citizens know, discover and experience. 

This project aims to explore and study the inception of smart digital infrastructures in the media landscape, working with two distinct cases – NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) and Polaris Media (a privately owned media group).

Personalized news

If algorithms come to dictate news decisions, how does that change what we read, and what sort of democracy we might have in the future? Can personalized news make more empowered audience? In this project I want to study how is the press is able to retain its social obligations to society when cultural content and news are subject to automation and algorithmic governance.

National broadcasting

The national broadcaster in now working on making a recomming system for cultural content. Can machine learning automaze the public resonsibility?


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Created date

September 24, 2019

Cite as

Ewa Morsund. 24 September 2019, "Automated editors and personalized news", Center for Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 24 September 2019, accessed 26 February 2025.